I am someone who loves memories.  I love photo albums, journals, and anything that reminds me of how blessed our family has been and is.  We tried something new this year, an idea from pinterest that actually materialized and didn’t involve almost burning my kitchen down with a “super easy” recipe.  We took an oatmeal container and jotted down various family events throughout the year- sad ones, hilarious ones, and shocking ones, like the time my son gave his sister a haircut resulting in her current mullet.  As the year draws to an end, I’m excited to read all of the slips of paper and remember what a blessed year we’ve had.  This has proven to be a very doable activity, and a great way to preserve memories.  I’ve also recently been cruising through former facebook statuses and laughing at the many antics of my kids during 2014.  A segment that has become perhaps more regular than it should is a bit I call, “Things I Shouldn’t Have to Say.” (And/or scream, as the case may be.)  So, as 2014 draws to a close, I leave you, in no particular order, my top 20 favorites from this last year.  May 2015 bring your house as much chaotic hilarity as 2014 has brought ours!

  1.  Who stuck a sponge to the side of this basket with their vegetable dip?
  2. Do you want to be the smelly kid at graduation tomorrow?
  3.  Well, I’m handcuffed, so you need to wait a minute.
  5. If you’re going to help me, you need to go get dressed. We don’t bake naked.
  6. Who glued the train track to the wall upstairs?
  7. No. We don’t suck on people’s toes.
  8. You know better than that! Painting the wall with blueberries?! Come on!
  9. No. STOP licking the wall.
  11. No, stop that right now. We do not suck on people.
  12. Why is this (inch diameter tree branch as tall as myself) in my laundry room?
  13. No. We do not give eggs baths.
  14. No, you may not wear a long sleeved polo to soccer.
  15. If I catch you painting your sibling again, there will be a consequence.
  16. Why is there dried up blood all over your neck?
  17. You need to go to your room. We do not throw brooms.
  18. Who put the key in the watermelon?
  19. You ate a whole box of frozen waffles?

And, perhaps one of my all-time favorites,
20.  Why are all of these underwear in the shed?

Happy New Year!
photo credit: omninate via photopin cc